The button to open program settings is in the top part of the tools panel.
To the right of it are buttons that allow to toggle visibility of calibration mesh and motion capture mesh.
Press button Settings to open the global VR Mocap Studio settings tab.
- VR Buttons Location. It determines the position of virtual buttons that are used during the control of animation recording in the VR-mode.
- Export Folder is where the export animations are saved in. You can browse the current folder using Windows Explorer by clicking Open Export Folder.
- Calibration Timer sets the countdown interval that is used during the calibration process.
- Override Exported File allows the exporter to rewrite existing files. If the option is disabled, the exporter will skip the file during processing.
- Export Reference Pose at Frame #0 specifies whether to add reference pose in the first frame when exporting animations in BVH format.
- Capture Reference Pose at Frame #0. If the option is enabled, the first frame of the animation during recording will always contain the reference pose of the skeleton.
- Export Mesh in FBX. If enabled, the skinned 3D-model would be exported along with the animation to FBX file.
- License Key. This is the license key of your copy of VR Mocap Studio. After you get a key, Insert it in this field and press Register button. The green circle on the right side of the text field indicates that your copy of the software has already been registered.